drawing / lockdown
Drawings - some fairly large, some morphing into paintings
ENLIGHTENED VIEW charcoal and acrylic on A3
SLEEP DISTURBANCE 1.5 x 2.5 m charcoal on paper
IN THE DOCK 140 x 180 cm sketch charcoal on paper
BREAKING PLANT 85 x 40 cm on paper
RED CACTUS 84 x 40 cm charcoal and acrylic on paper
GARDEN BUDDHA charcoal and acrylic on A3
SKYLINE charcoal and acrylic on A3
DUSTPAN AND BRUSH charcoal and acrylic on A3
SUNSET charcoal and acrylic on A3
MESSAGE charcoal pastel and acrylic on A3
CACTUS charcoal and acrylic on A3
GOD SAYS NO charcoal and acrylic on A3
GIVE THAT TO ME charcoal and acrylic on A3
MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE acrylic on A3 paper
SWEPT AWAY pastel and acrylic on A3